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A red stamp with the word DENIED is placed over a document requesting compensation claim denied. - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: December 3, 2019

If you are an independent contractor, you are not eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits in the state of California. However, some employers misclassify employees as independent contractors. Has this happened to you? A Misclassification Crackdown The U.S. Department of Labor works with the IRS and state workforce agencies to uncover employee misclassification practices. The IRS, for example, has a Questionable Employment Tax Program through which they identify schemes that involve misclassifying employees as independent contractors so employers can avoid paying the appropriate taxes. The misclassified employees are not eligible to receive such benefits as overtime pay or…Read More

Legal professional in court handling a Workers’ Compensation lawsuit - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: August 31, 2019

When you experience an injury or develop an illness as a result of your work environment, you may be able to secure workers’ compensation benefits through your employer to help you get by while you cannot work. You may be able to obtain workers’ compensation benefits for any number of different reasons. While, in some cases, you may pursue them after specific, one-time injuries, in others, you may need them because of injuries or illnesses that develop over time. Just what types of benefits might you be able to secure in the wake of an on-the-job accident…Read More

A man and woman in a supermarket aisle discussing Safety Tips For Retail Workers - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: June 6, 2019

Working in a retail store may not seem very dangerous. In fact, you may view it as harmless or mundane. But there are numerous hazards in retail stores that can injure you. If you suffer an injury from a workplace accident, you may need to take time off work and deal with costly medical bills. Thankfully, you can pursue a workers’ compensation claim to cover these costs. But it is ideal to not get hurt in the first place. Unfortunately, you cannot prevent every type of accident. But you can take a few steps to make…Read More

Judge gavel and sign reading compensation representing Workers' Comp claims - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: March 6, 2019

After suffering an injury at work in California, you need to begin the claims process as soon as possible. There is no time to waste. Your employer should provide you with a claim form within one day of learning about your injury, and you need to fill it out posthaste. Workers’ compensation claims frequently receive denials. One common explanation for why this occurs is that the employee failed to meet a deadline for a vital piece of paperwork. You can still get coverage by appealing the decision, but everything becomes delayed. Here are important deadlines you should not…Read More

A man holding his head in pain representing Stress Injury - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: December 6, 2018

Like most residents of Redding, you work hard to provide for your family. Whether you love your job or merely tolerate it, you should not have to worry about sustaining a serious injury at work. Still, your employer may require you to perform the sort of repetitive tasks that can cause long-term harm. When you are at work, you always comply with safety procedures. Even with your best efforts, though, you may develop a repetitive stress injury. To ensure you can continue to work, you may need to exercise your legal right to pursue compensation for injuries…Read More

A medical diagram of a hand with compressed nerves, indicating carpal tunnel syndrome - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: September 7, 2018

With an increasing number of employees around the country sitting at a desk for hours on end at work, many people have begun to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel occurs when the tunnel in the wrist becomes too narrow, which puts an immense amount of pressure on the median nerve. It can result in a great deal of discomfort as well as weakness, tingling and numbness. Workers’ compensation most often applies to significant injuries that take place at work, such as slip and falls. However, workers’ comp can sometimes apply to instances of carpal tunnel. The employee…Read More

A person is discussing a workplace injury case with a lawyer - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: June 13, 2018

If you suffer an injury on the job, especially if it is not a necessarily serious injury, you may be wondering if you should report it to your employer. Many employees choose not to report workplace injuries because they fear they may lose their job or experience other forms of retaliation by their employer. The bottom line, however, is that it is critical that you report your workplace injury in California as soon as it happens, or as soon as you become aware of the injury. Waiting to report or deciding not to report can…Read More

Blue umbrella labeled 'Workers Compensation' & money representing Workers Compensation claim - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: March 14, 2018

Many employers are understanding and responsive when it comes to workers’ compensation claims. They approach the matter from a position of trust, knowing that if they treat their employees well, their employees have less incentive to try to file a false claim. However, there are some employers, even those that appear ethical, who deny workers’ compensation claims for dubious or outright wrong reasons. Here are a top few. Your Claims Cannot Be Verified A claim such as carpal tunnel syndrome or even back pain might not arise from a single obvious triggering incident. Rather, these conditions could…Read More

Patient discussing injury with doctor - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: December 13, 2017

As an employee in the Redding area, you may be under the impression that you cannot receive workers’ compensation benefits unless a workplace accident caused your injuries. It is true that injuries that occur on the job are usually compensable with workers’ comp benefits. However, if you suffer certain health conditions, fall ill or incur injuries while on the job, you may also qualify. Here is a brief overview of workers’ compensation benefits and nonaccidental workplace injuries. Some Ailments And Injuries Can Qualify For Workers’ Compensation Some injuries and illness can occur from repeated exposure to certain…Read More

Injured worker consults workers' compensation attorney about their case - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: September 15, 2017

When you suffer an injury on the job, the first thing on your mind after seeking medical attention is obtaining financial compensation to pay for the medical bills and lost wages. You may be in such a hurry to receive the money that you forgo hiring a lawyer out of fear that doing so will make the claim take longer. However, the opposite is usually true. Not having an attorney help you generally leads to a delay in benefits. The following are even more reasons to hire a lawyer when filing a workers’ compensation claim. Complete…Read More

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