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Nurse with a sprained wrist, wearing a brace - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: September 19, 2022

Nursing can be a very dangerous industry to work in. Nurses spend every day working with sick and injured patients, and this can sometimes create a dangerous environment. They need to be wary of the injury risks. It’s impossible to predict all of the different ways people can be hurt on the job, but you can look at overall trends and statistics to find out what happens most often. Below are a few examples of the common injuries that nurses suffer every year in the United States. Overexertion Injuries These often happen when nurses are asked to…Read More

Three individuals sitting at a table laptops discussing loss in the workplace - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: August 31, 2022

In many cases, an injury at work is something that takes place all at once. A worker is completely healthy, for instance, and then they suffer a head injury in a fall. They get rushed to the hospital and it’s clear that they’ve been injured that very day. However, there are a lot of workplace injuries that are a bit more cumulative in nature. The effects build up over time. This doesn’t make them less serious, but it does sometimes cause workers to overlook the issues. They simply don’t realize that they’re being harmed in…Read More

A woman sitting on a table hand on eyes - Work-Related Eye Injuries
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: August 23, 2022

It is estimated that more than 2,000 workers in the U.S. injure their eyes so severely on the job that they require medical treatment. Unfortunately, eye injuries are not only somewhat common, but they can also be serious and lead to lifelong issues. Learn more about work-caused eye injuries here. Workplace Eye Injuries There are two main causes of work-caused eye injuries. One is because workers fail to wear eye protection, and the other is if they wear the wrong type of protection for their work. When this happens, their eyes are at risk of being…Read More

Worker sitting on the ground with injured leg - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: August 19, 2022

If you suffer injury or illness at work, you probably know you can claim workers’ compensation. Most California employers must hold it, and as it is no-fault insurance should cover most cases. What you might not know is what workers’ compensation covers. Is it just your medical bills? Or more? Here is what workers’ compensation could cover in California: 1. Medical Treatment Depending on the extent of the injury or illness, you could require considerable medical treatment, as well as rehabilitation. The cost of ongoing medical care can be costly, and you might require care…Read More

Two Qualified Medical Examiner engaging in a discussion - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: August 9, 2022

Some California workers’ compensation claims are quick and straightforward. The employee has an obvious injury that directly relates to the job that they do, and their employer acknowledges that they need support. The worker will apply for and receive benefits, and they can trust that their employer will accommodate their work restrictions as they transition back to their job. Other times, the employer might try to fight the worker. They may question whether the injury is serious enough to warrant accommodations and benefits and may even claim that the worker didn’t incur their injury on…Read More

A man with hand on his back - Back pain at the workplace - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: July 28, 2022

Back pain is a very common health issue that affects people from all backgrounds and professions. Certain professions do have higher risks. If you work in health care, for example, you have roughly a 70% chance of developing back issues. Anyone who lifts or twists on the job could suffer a serious back injury. Despite their prevalence and how much they can affect someone’s quality of life and ability to work, back injuries are among the medical issues people are most likely to ignore or downplay at first. A surprising number of adults try to continue working…Read More

A doctor interacting with patience - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: July 26, 2022

If you are injured at work and make a claim to obtain workers’ compensation, there is a chance that you will need to see a medical professional for a qualified medical evaluation. This evaluation can be requested when your claim is denied or delayed and you’d like a medical evaluation to determine if the claim should be payable. Additionally, you can ask for the evaluation by a qualified medical evaluator, or QME, if you disagree with your current treating physician’s thoughts on your condition or if you want to find out if you are permanently…Read More

A statue under an umbrella - Workers’ Comp Eligibility
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: July 7, 2022

You do a lot of manual labor, which means that you’re frequently exposed to working conditions and jobs that put you at risk of various injuries – and, one day, your luck runs out. You get hurt. Your boss, however, tells you that you’ll just have to go home and rest until you heal because you aren’t entitled to any benefits under workers’ compensation since you’re “just a seasonal or temporary” worker. On top of that, you’re an immigrant without documentation. Don’t Listen To Your Employer’s Attempts To Hide The Truth Immigrants are an important…Read More

A man with bandaged hand, writing on a paper - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: June 30, 2022

Some workers’ compensation claims are straightforward. It is obvious how the employee got hurt and what benefits they require. Other times, claims can cause lengthy disputes between workers and their employers. When there are disagreements about the right treatments, the restrictions on a worker’s job performance or even if their injury is the result of their work, the worker and their employer may require the help of a qualified medical evaluator (QME) to resolve the disagreement. Can you go to your primary care physician and ask them to act as a QME for your claim?…Read More

A group of people discussing each other on worker's compensation - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze
  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: June 17, 2022

When you are hurt at work, you might be inclined to believe you will automatically receive the financial restitution you need to recover from your injuries and pay for the other damages. After all, workers’ compensation claims are meant for just that, taking care of injured workers. However, it helps to understand that multiple factors come into play when determining the compensation you will receive following your workplace injury. Some of these factors include the extent of your injury as well as the nature of treatment you will need. Here are two questions that can help…Read More

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