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Call For A Free Consultation: (530) 287-6674

  • By: Benjamin Helfman
  • Published: September 30, 2021
A judge's gavel and scales of justice on a wooden table in a library - Leep Tescher Helfman and Zanze

If you are hurt on the job, it’s important for you to consider working with an attorney to help you with your claim. You may not be sure why you need one or if you do, which is why it’s a good idea to go over some information about making a claim.

When you make a workers’ compensation claim, you have to meet specific deadlines or stand to lose your opportunity to make a claim at all. You may get an opportunity to choose medical professionals for the qualified medical evaluator’s examination if you work quickly enough, so you’ll want to investigate whom you’d like to examine you before you select them. On top of all this, you may be dealing with injuries, pain and other health issues that make it hard for you to focus on your claim or the claims process. That’s why it’s often the right choice to work with a workers’ compensation attorney.

How Can You Choose Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

To choose a workers’ compensation attorney, you should look for a few qualifications. Those may include:

  • Finding an attorney who is certified to work with workers’ compensation claims
  • Finding a highly experienced attorney
  • Looking for an attorney who focuses exclusively on workers’ compensation claims
  • Selecting an attorney who is up to date on all the latest news and laws surrounding workers’ compensation claims
  • Working with someone who makes you comfortable. You should work with an attorney who is accessible and responsive to you so that you get the service you deserve.

Your attorney can help you with many aspects of your claim ranging from having someone on your side during the qualified medical evaluator’s examination to working with you to help overturn a denied claim.

Workers Deserve To Have Support During The Claims Process

It can be hard to work through a workers’ compensation claim. With the right support, you’ll be able to focus more on your health and wellbeing while your attorney handles the claims process and assists you in meeting deadlines for important appointments or the submission of documentation.

Attorney Benjamin Helfman is a dedicated California workers’ compensation attorney serving injured workers and employees in Shasta County and beyond. Attorney Helfman brings a wide breadth of experience and deep knowledge to the field of workers’ compensation, aiming to demystify its complex legal procedures to help the injured and disabled understand their rights and secure the financial compensation they deserve.

Connect with the law firm of Leep, Tescher, Helfman and Zanze to stay up to date on workers’ compensation laws and practices in California.

Call For A Free Consultation: - (530) 287-6674.

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